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    ©Ahmed J. El Anjanar

    Sunday, March 14, 2010

    Saint Patrick's Day Comes

    First of all, I figured out how to make the pictures load from the computer and stick to one side, so you're impressed already, right? Second, we are in Day 2 of Badjia Watch 2010 (Vernal Edition), and I am still standing. Once again, impressed, I'm thinking.

    Third, it is almost Saint Patrick's Day. Boston and the South Shore celebrate Saint Pat's pretty hard. The Badjia drags me to places I would really rather not visit, and had plans for the second year in a row to go see her absolute favorite band, The Dropkick Murphys (or is it just Dropkick Murphys?) play live on the holiday. The problem is, she just had her trachea realigned, and a few other things, and is supposed to:

    1. have lots of bed rest
    2. not use her voice
    3. avoid excessive activity or excitement

    Now, if you actually know this Badjia of mine you are laughing right now. And so far she has:

    1. yelled twice
    2. thrown a Twitter Peek that I paid a great deal of money for at my head (and missed)
    3. broke a Twitter Peek that I paid a great deal of money for when it missed me and hit a wall

    I have told her she isn't going to see The Dropkick Murphys on Saint Patrick's Day.

    Does anyone have a spare room somewhere off the grid? She has GPS.

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    posted by Ahmed J El Anjanar @ 2:48 PM,


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