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    ©Ahmed J. El Anjanar

    Thursday, September 24, 2009

    Thank you!

    Want to thank everyone who sent good wishes today.  The Badjia is doing well after a long day.  She woke long enough to check baseball scores.  We expect her home Saturday or Sunday.

    Mark Springwell is good enough to take messages from ST folks.  Also, please accept apologies, we will not be taking phone calls a while.

    Thanks again!

    edit:  WELCOME PATRICK!  Congratulations to Gayle and Dami on their handsome new boy!

    posted by Ahmed J El Anjanar @ 9:08 PM,


    At September 24, 2009 at 9:57 PM, Blogger Gwen Hayes said...

    Please give her a kiss (as hug might hurt) for me. If you slip her the tongue, all the better.


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